
Squarespace Support When You Need It

Hosted on ChatGPT, squareassist is a custom GPT trained to provide Squarespace answers, advice, and insight.

From setup to settings and all the content in between, squareassist can provide you personalized actionable support, answering your Squarespace questions 24/7

The term “squarespace” is a trademark of Squarespace, Inc. squareassist™ is not affiliated with Squarespace, Inc.

how it works

Trained on Squarespace nuances from InsideTheSquare.co's extensive resource library & courses, squareassist speaks fluent Squarespace. Whether you need help with layouts, styling, or functionality, squareassist is here to help.

  • Connect squareassist to your ChatGPT account, paid or free.

  • Give squareassist questions & instructions about what you’d like to do with your Squarespace site.

  • Get instant solutions, ideas, and insight on how to make your Squarespace site do what you need it to do.

squareassist is a custom GPT built using the OpenAI ChatGT platform.
An OpenAI account is required to use squareassist. OpenAI terms & conditions apply.


  • trained on Squarespace nuances

  • capable of setup & setting questions

  • strategic content planning

  • deep understanding of design & setup options

  • updated weekly on Squarespace interface changes

squareassist pro

  • trained on Squarespace nuances

  • capable of setup & setting questions

  • strategic content planning

  • deep understanding of design & setup options

  • updated weekly on Squarespace interface changes

  • trained to provide advanced custom code solutions

*squareassist can make mistakes; accuracy is not guaranteed.


  • squareassist is a custom GPT; an AI language model trained on InsideTheSquare.co's extensive code library & Squarespace knowledge.

    A private GPT hosted on ChatGPT, squareassist provides instant code solutions and guidance for your Squarespace customization needs.

    squareassist knows the nuances that other Ai models are not aware of, thanks to the 8,000 lines of JSON content that it was trained on, provided by Squarespace expert Becca Harpain from InsideTheSquare.

  • Both models are trained to understand the nuances of Squarespace and can provide support on all aspects of setup, design, and content creation.

    SquareAssist™ Pro has additional training to provide advanced code support for Javascript, and Custom CSS solutions.

    If you are a Squarespace user, looking for support with setup and design options. SquareAssist™ is perfect for you.

    If you are a Squarespace designer looking to add functionality like countdown timers, or changing date displays, or rearranging summary block content, you’ll need advanced code customization. SquareAssist Pro ™ is ready to help.

  • As an AI in training, squareassist may occasionally make mistakes. All users are able to rank respsones and provide feedback. The team at squareassist reviews all feedback and makes updates to the custom GPT on a regular basis.

    While squareassist is trained on verified Squarespace nuances so it has a level of accuracy much higher than non-Squarespace trained AI models.

  • Lifetime access means you only have to pay once! When you sign up to access squareassist you only pay once to receive a link to access the custom GPT.

    squareassist is a custom GPT built on the OpenAI platform. You do need a free ChatGPT account to access squareassist.

  • Nope - squareassist has been trained to adjust their explanations to match your comfort level to help you at any stage of experience, from beginner to expert.

  • No, squareassist is an independent tool created by Becca Harpain of InsideTheSquare.co to help Squarespacers customize their websites. The term "Squarespace" is a trademark of Squarespace, Inc. squareassist is not affiliated with Squarespace, Inc.

  • squareassist is built on the OpenAI platform and is limited to their policies listed here.

  • No - a ChatGPT account is required. squareassist is a private GPT that is hosted on OpenAI’s platform. OpenAI terms & conditions apply.